Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Out of sight but not out of mind

Almost a year ago to the day my sister Diane along with her husband, Sean, their son William and a cuddly black Labrador named Cindy pulled up to our house in their three cars.  The previous year had been really tough for them: Sean had lost his job as a patent attorney and after exhausting their savings were forced to sell their lovely home in a recessed market.  They had become part of the new formerly affluent homeless and we welcomed them into our home for as long as they needed to be here.
They really liked the wet, cool NW and for awhile it looked as though they might find gainful employment here but nothing worked out.  Finally, they decided to return to Fresno, CA to begin a new phase of their life.  Sean will begin a private law practice, Diane will find a job with benefits, and William will start college.

This past year has blessed us in so many ways.  Here are only a few:

--We got to know Sean in a new and deeper way and he us, too
--William became my own personal video master, fighting some of my more challenging boss battles for me
--Diane cooked most of the meals for her family and me (Melba has her own special regime of Crohn's friendly foods)
--Communal living worked well for us because everyone pitched in and really worked at accommodating each other and in being sensitive to everyone's space; mutual cooperation and consideration were our watch words and it worked well

I will miss having this part of our family with us.  On the bright side, we are once again an "empty nest" and that has it's benefits as well.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that things went smoothly! It was so convenient to see everyone at the same time when Sylvia and I were in WA in April :)
