Friday, January 28, 2011

Out of the best books

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."  ~Charles W. Eliot

Books are my addiction of choice.  Entering a book store or a library instantly gives me a natural high.  When visiting friends my eye naturally gravitates to their bookshelves where I learn what interests or motivates them.  Nestled deep in my easy chair, shoes off, opening the book at the bookmark (never dog earing the pages!), I settle in to be whisked off to a far adventure, have my intellect stretched, or be inspired to be a better Christian husband/father/son/brother/friend.

Here are the books I am currently--and in the case of some--constantly reading.

  • The New Testament
  • The Book of Mormon (with Melba)
  • Civility: Manners, Morals, and the Etiquette of Democracy, Stephen L. Carter
  • The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ: Volume I, Richard Holzapfel & Thomas Wayment
  • Broke, Glenn Beck
  • Rejoice In Christ: Daily Insight from the Book of Mormon, Ed Pinegar & Richard Allen
  • Rebekah, Orson Scott Card
  • To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson 
Books--like true friends--are there when you need them, asking nothing in return.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lots to do so let's get with it!

Been a month since I last blogged--need to get back into the habit--if only to post today's "to do" list (in order):
1.  Devotional time
2.  Exercise (free weights, walk if not raining)
3.  Clean my desk (once a month activity)
4.  Work high priest group contribution to ward mission plan
5.  Birthday call to Megan (she likes to sleep in; otherwise this would be #1)
6.  Move trash to blue bins for pick-up next Monday
7.  Call Shawn the Gardener to come this week to take advantage of the good weather that is forecast,
8,  Gas up Melba's car
9.  Mail birthday cards
10. Visit Bro/Sis Houston--they are coping with decision to put husband in a full-time care facility--need our support
11. Work on family history (1 hour)
12.  Practice the banjo (1/2 hour)