I first saw the light of day 67 years ago today. It was a Friday then, too, and I was born in the old Seaside Navy hospital in Long Beach, CA. I have never had a problem with any birthday except when I turned 50--I was depressed for two years then snapped out of it. Today I am at peace with my age and my place in my own life cycle. Here are some things I like and dislike at this time of my life.
--Being retired and not working for someone else
--Having a steady, secure income not dependent on the whims of the stock market
--Being married to my sweetheart and best friend, Melba
--Seeing my five kids succeed in their life goals
--The wonderful women my sons have chosen to marry
--Staying in touch with my 24 grandchildren--they keep me young
--Serving in the temple every Wednesday--it charges my spiritual batteries
--Working with our gardener to maintain and beautify our yard
--Serving as high priest group leader
--Trying to stay physically fit through exercising
--Practicing the guitar/banjo/piano
--The close relationship I have with my siblings--they are in the "inner circle" of my closest friends
--People who are incurable optimists even when carrying heavy personal burdens--they inspire me to do better with my own less heavy problems
--Doing family history and then taking my ancestors to the temple to do their work for them
--The richness of the spirit that seems to come more frequently as I pray, study the scriptures, serve others or attend the temple--it's more comforting than ever to know that God knows who Larry Barry is
--Seeing my mother and my friends get older and some dying like Dick Russell and Gary Froseth and Richard Elliott
--Aches and pains that have no obvious cause but just come with the territory
--Seeing Melba suffer with the cancer she had (2xs), the Crohn's, the knee problem and the arthritis--if I could I would carry it for her
--Political fanaticism on the left or the right
--That much of our social life is comprised of medical personnel
--People who can only see life as "half empty"
Hope you all have a wonderful day today!
BOTR withdrawals
10 years ago