Just some random thoughts as this hectic and at times brutal political campaign season comes to an end today. Wouldn't it be nice if:
1. Civility were the rule and not the exception.
2. Campaigns were run strictly on the issues and not on personal attacks and innuendo
3. Political parties were fined every time an ad was run which shaded the truth
4. We could elect grown-ups from both parties who understood the value of healthy compromise and collaboration
5. The minority party was treated as the "loyal opposition" instead of the enemy
6. Money weren't a factor in any of our political races (yes, I understand that giving money is a form of freedom of speech; it also tends to be a corrupting element as well)
7. The campaign season didn't start the day after the election
8. When we elected a politician we also elected their mother to sit beside them and pull their ear when they got mean or stupid
Well, I guess that's it. Let the 2012 campaign season begin!!
BOTR withdrawals
10 years ago