Friday, May 21, 2010

Life in the not-so-fast lane

Life in the senior Barry household is not nearly as fast-paced or as exciting as you who:
--Vacation in Hawaii
--Take work boondoggles to Tokyo
--Home school
--Go camping and fishing with your kids
--Write on national blogs
--Fight the drug cartels in the southwest
--Work hard at the gym

Nevertheless, we have our moments.  Here are a few:

Papa's got a brand new grill friend

My first attempt at annuals

Melba's electric knee bender...also known affectionately as "The Rack"


  1. I love that grill! I also can't wait to see a picture of those annuals two months from now! Melba's contraption looks pretty uncomfortable. I hope it's not as bad as it looks.

  2. This post made me laugh! I love your sense of humor! You're life is way more exciting than you make it out to be. Poor Mom, that for sure looks painful. Nice grill, and beautiful job with the annuals! Schools out here, wahoo-- I have time to spring clean, and blog. :)

  3. Did you get the Rack in that torture town in Germany?

  4. I remember that--the torture museum--interesting but depressing that humanity could be so cruel. Of course, the soldiers loved it!

  5. Yeah, but most of us doing the things we're doing are doing them only until we get the chance to do what you're doing! Good post though! I want one of those rack things for my arm. Then I can watch t.v. and it will automatically put a drink to my mouth or maybe feed me grapes. Maybe set it to scratch my back for me? Hmmm. Gotta think about that. :)

  6. I can see your old grillfriend just peeking out from behind your new grillfriend, and she looks jealous.

  7. how did you find out about me fighting the drug cartels in the southwest? it was supposed to be a secret.
