Sunday, April 25, 2010

The best laid plans....

Our lady gardener/handy-woman did a bang up job of relocating 20+ stepping stones from the far back gate to in front of our shed.  Only when she had completed the job last night did I realize:  she had covered up a sprinkler head.  Not her fault--she didn't know it was there; I just forgot about it.  Now what to do--undo all her work or leave it as is?  Type A personalities like me (ISFJ on the Myers-Briggs) can't tolerate when something is out of kilter or just not right.  [sigh]


  1. Oh no, I'm guessing it will drive you crazy leaving it that way, but that's a lot of work-- Goodluck deciding what to do!

  2. it's a tough call. that'd bug me, too.
