Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Odds and Ends

Here's what's new this week:
--Had a nice talk with son Mike--congrats on the new home--pictures were great! Really glad you and the kids are moving out of gangland.

--Missed going to to the temple today but needed time to put finishing touches on on my presentation tonight at relief society: Spiritual Foundations of a Joyous Marriage; just wrapped it up and am going to relax until it's time to go

--Arborist came yesterday, gave us an estimate on pruning our 11 evergreens and our numerous decorative trees; also going to grind down three stumps and pull out two large bushes; Melba wants to plant two or three burning bushes or whatever they're called--bright red leaves in the fall--very popular around here (see image)

--Lawn mower guy dropped by to pick up my mower for spring tune-up; the lawn is already starting to grow and the crocuses and tulips have already stuck their little heads up out of the ground and are trying to decide whether to bud or not


  1. mike bought a new house? where is it? i guess i should check FB. maybe he posted something there.

  2. Lot's of good things listed! I like those bushes, they're beautiful!

  3. Those bushes are beautiful! I wonder if they grow in Georgia. Are they an evergreen?

  4. Would you be willing to post your notes (or email them) for your "Spiritual Foundations of a Joyous Marriage" presentation? I would love to see that.
