Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Joy of Reading

Was thinking this morning that while I enjoy modern technologies like the internet, cell phones, blogging, and social networking, nothing compares with good old fashioned reading. I love books--always have. I remember as a kid making a summertime trek to the Visalia public library and leaving with an arm full of books--westerns, science fiction, adventure and many others. Today our shelves are filled with books from a wide range of fiction and non-fiction genres--novels, religious books, political analysis, self-help. I usually am working my way through several books at once. Here's my current reading list:
--Book of Mormon
--Old Testament
--The Democratization of American Christianity (sociological study of the "burned over district" during the Second Great Awakening, late 1700s to 1830)
--Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin (conservative political commentary)
--Terminal Freeze by Lincoln Child (fluff adventure novel)
--Joseph Smith Papers, volume 1832-1839

I think fewer kids today know the joy of settling down with a good book. I hope my grandkids are the exception.


  1. Yes, your grandkids are the exception!

    We are reading lot's of books and the kids are learning that reading is fun! We've even started a reading club for kids.

    Morgan recently read Treasure Island and loved it, and the girls just finished reading Island of Blue Dolphins and Robinson Crusoe.

    Thanks for your example, and sharing with us your love for reading!

  2. Your reading list looks like mine - a huge variety of genres, but lots of books being read at the same time! The Democratization of American Christianty sounds interesting (I looked it up on Amazon.)

  3. my kids love to read; so do i. it's just not the same on the computer.
